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Referenser och regelverk

    Innehållet är grundat på beprövad erfarenhet, lagar, regelverk, nationella riktlinjer och med stöd från relevanta vetenskapliga studier.  


    1. Briggs D. Nursing care and management of patients with intrapleural drains. Nurs Stand. 2010;24(21):47-55.
    2. Johansson F. Anatomi i klartext. Studentlitteratur; 2015.
    3. Durai R, Hoque H, Davies TW. Managing a chest tube and drainage system. Aorn J. 2010;Feb;91(2):275-80.
    4. Hunter J. Chest drain removal. Nurs Stand. 2008;22(45):35-8.
    5. Järhult J, Melle-Hannah M. Akut kirurgi. 2 [rev.] uppl. Stockholm: Lober; 2014.
    6. Porcel JM. Chest tube drainage of the pleural space: a concise review for pulmonologists. Tuberculosis and respiratory diseases. 2018;81(2):106-115.
    7. Kirmani B, Zacharias J. Insertion of a chest drain for pneumothorax. Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine. 2019;1;20(4):235-7.
    8. Woodrow P. Intrapleural chest drainage. Nurs Stand. 2013;27(40):49-56; quiz 8.
    9. Woo W. G, Joo S, Lee G. D, Haam S. J, Lee, S. Outpatient treatment for pneumothorax using a portable small-bore chest tube: a clinical report. The Korean journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. 2016;49(3):185.
    10. Tschopp J. M, Bintcliffe O, Astoul P, Canalis E, Driesen P, Janssen J, Waller D. A. ERS task force statement: diagnosis and treatment of primary spontaneous pneumothorax. European Respiratory Journal. 2015;462:321-335.
    11. Lai S. M, Tee A. K. H. Outpatient treatment of primary spontaneous pneumothorax using a small-bore chest drain with a Heimlich valve: the experience of a Singapore emergency department. European Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2012;19(6):400-404.
    12. Almquist M, Palsson B, Gyllstedt E. Pleuradrän vid trauma. Läkartidningen. 2004, 2016-8;101(23):21-2.
    13. Ivert T, Orre L. Thoraxdrän läggs säkert med standardteknik. Läkartidningen. 2003;100(28-29):2366-9.
    14. Menegozzo CAM, Utiyama EM. Steering the wheel towards the standard of care: proposal of a step-by-step ultrasound-guided emergency chest tube drainage and literature review. Int J Surg. 2018;56:315-319.
    15. Menegozzo CAM, Artifon ELA, Meyer-Pflug AR, Rocha MC, Utiyama EM. Can ultrasound be used as an adjunct for tube thoracostomy? A systematic review of potential application to reduce procedure-related complications. Int J Surg. 2019;68:85-90.
    16. Dural K, Gulbahar G, Kocer B, Sakinci U. A novel and safe technique in closed tube thoracostomy. J Cardiothorac Surg. 2010;5(21):
    17. Sullivan B. Nursing management of patients with a chest drain. Br J Nurs. 2008;17(6):388-93.
    18. Tunnicliffe G, Draper A. A pilot study of a digital drainage system in pneumothorax. BMJ Open Respir Res. 2014;1(1):
    19. Jablonski S, Brocki M, Wawrzycki M, Smigielski J. A, Kozakiewicz M. Efficacy assessment of the drainage with permanent airflow measurement in the treatment of pneumothorax with air leak. The Thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon. 2014;62(06):509-515.
    20. Allibone E. How to remove a chest drain. Nurs stand. 2015;30 (6):34-36.
    21. Cerfolio R.J, Bryant A.S, Skylizard L, et. al. Optimal technique for the removal of chest tubes after pulmonary resection. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2013;145:1535-1539.
    22. Vanderet D, Hitscherich K, Philipps P, Shabsigh R, Baltazar G. A. Using cable ties to connect thoracostomy tubes to drainage devices decreases frequency of unplanned disconnection. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 2018;1-6.
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